Quik NYC aka Lin Felton
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Am I truly in love with Dick? (1996)
If he would only paint like a white man (1996)
The pain of the muffin man (1996)
Quik with angry face (1995)
Strictly dimensional (1995)
Quik (1993)
The little manual of calligraphy (1993)
Quik (1993)
Kiss me! You fool!!! (1991)
King (1991)
Moodless! Alexandra (1991)
Oh baby you’re so vicious (1991)
untitled (1991)
Graff-Graffiti! (1991)
Death (1991)
Sick of it all!!! (on map of Tokyo)
KTL sketch (1994) (small drawing!)
untitled (1994)
The devil in me (on playmate)(1993)
Hello, my name is... (on playmate)(1993)
Happy feeling (on playmate)(1993)
untitled (duck on playmate) (1993)
I was once in love (on map)(1993), 103 x 74 cm (frame)
Freedom (1999)
Oh no! My wife! The terror of being me! (1993/4)
Stimulus - artistic testicle (1993)
Revolt “Firey car crash in België” (1999)
Damn it!!! I really do love him... (1999)
He is such a bastard! (1998)
Woman (1998)
Miss November (1996)
Miss Augustus says hello (1996)
untitled (1995)
Quik! Highly addictive bombing paimt (1993)
Quik! (1991)
A party in Pennsylvania (study for a painting (1991)
Marworth - a Geisinger affiliate - Go menthal (1990)
Ooh, Lin! (1990)
Sometimes we’re so full of shame (1991)
Souls (1991)
“S” (1990)
Run!!! Pennsylvania (1990)
Sweetheart (1990)
The war comes home (1991)